Thursday, March 11, 2010

New York?

So here's the thing. With graduation coming in just a few months, I'm at the point where I've got to decide what is coming next. I've sent out several applications for directing internships around the country, but barring those, I've really got no complete idea as to what's coming down the pike. My brother is making the big move to NY in April, with a gig at the Momentum Repertory Company, and I am very heavily considering moving in with him after graduation. However, there's a lot scary about that idea.
First of all, I'm not exactly rolling in cash. Second, I have only a few contacts there, most of whom are around my age and might not be that helpful in the short term. As my brother has gone Equity, I fully support his decision to go there, but I'm not sure it would really be in my best interests at this point. At the same time, it really is alluring. The theatre scene in NY (outside of the Broadway behemoth) is so much more closely related to the work I want to do than a place like Chicago or Minneapolis. Meaning, I'm really into the works of people or groups like Richard Foreman or Mabou Mines, and I want to be able to see and hopefully meet and of course ideally work with these types. Essentially, I want to do theatre that makes a point, visceral theatre, the sort of thing in line with the aesthetic ideas I already have, but that will still challenge me to keep creating and to keep growing. That exists in New York.

On the other hand, there's Chicago. Where just about everybody I know is heading. There's obviously a ton of stuff going on, and from what I can tell it is a pretty good place to be as a young theatre person. However, it seems to me that in Chicago there's a ton of work going on, but it is almost impossible for any one place to separate itself from the crowd, to stand out. Sure, there's the House, but other than that, all you've got are the big ones, Steppenwolf, Goodman, etc. It seems almost impossible to become commercially viable. Not that that's easy anywhere... anyways. Mounting Sarah Kane in Chicago seems like a safe way to go bankrupt.
So basically, I'm stuck. Hopefully I'll figure it out sooner rather than later.

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